The Dynamics of Conscious Man
Universe Spiral N° 75
The editorial
The Big Turn
One of our readers recently challenged us on the meaning of this “Conscious Man” whose dynamics in the “SPIRAL Universe” we call. What is this consciousness, both transcendent force
and upward movement of our cosmic and terrestrial evolution?
In reality, thought cannot define consciousness until we learn to read philosophy in Nature. Because we must pose as condition that there exists an “indestructible” medium, support of the inscription of the Consciousness. Thus, instead of retaining only the brain, we will consider the consciousness which begins with "the first thing", theNoun.
Some suggest that it is hydrogen, an elementary body characterized by distinguishing itself from the other bodies of the Universe and whose physical or chemical affinities bring it closer or further away from it from all the other bodies.
This body makes a choice, imposed by its nature, which it has no possibility of modifying by itself. For RA Schwaller de Lubicz, it is a “first state of consciousness. What will distinguish this determining and specifying consciousness of the nature of a thing, from psychological consciousness, is a succession of intermediate states of an ontological evolution whose physical expression will only be the formal tool of an enlargement of consciousness”.(*)
Wanting to seek proof of this through organic evolution is to go backwards, because only consciousness evolves, ie expands and the physical adapts to it. It is thus to give to the conscience the nature of the Being, and to the various bodies, the role of tools at the disposal of this being.
It may be objected that if the Consciousness of being for which the physical tool is only a means of expression, why does the Consciousness not acquire this final tool immediately?
If this consciousness - which some confuse with the soul - is Everything, why does it need to express itself?
Moreover, how does this consciousness transmit its tool since it is precisely this tool that dies?
The Consciousness does not, in reality, need to express itself and therefore to acquire this formal or physical tool. But if, despite everything, she seeks this tool, then the answer to the third question is found in the transmission of the seed which virtually carries within it the appropriate form for the acquired consciousness that it will engender in order to regenerate it.
As for the uselessness for the Consciousness to seek the tool to express itself, it
implies absolute determinism. In the Universe as it is our thought, a perfect end is foreseen from the beginning, as the fruit is virtually in the seed.
The world is at a great turning point in spiritual life; this is why all the old considerations, whether of tradition, morality or sociology, no longer have any value other than that of lessons from the past, for the past. The masses are not educated enough to understand the subtle causes which, psychically and spiritually, certainly motivate their acts; but she is too well educated to remain in the stupidity of sterile and dead formulas.
The meaning of Life is above all the consciousness of existing. A revolution is at hand. A revolution responding to the absolute need for a new directive for deep life. This is the change of state of consciousness characteristic of entering into a great cycle of humanity.
(*) Verb Nature RA Schwaller de Lubicz (Ed. Axis Mundi)
(All rights reserved © Univers-Spirale N°75 – SPRING 2014)